2025 International Conference on Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Prevention

About to ICAEEP 2025

The International Conference on Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Prevention in 2025 (assuming AEPE 2025) will be held grandly in Tongren City, Guizhou Province. This grand event will attract agricultural scientists, environmental experts, engineers, and policy makers from around the world to gather together and discuss the latest developments and challenges in the fields of agricultural engineering and environmental protection. The conference is themed "Green Technology Leads the Future: A New Chapter in Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Protection", aiming to promote the sustainable development of agricultural production while emphasizing the importance of environmental protection. During the conference, participants will exchange the latest scientific research achievements and technology application cases through a series of keynote speeches, thematic discussions, technology exhibitions, and field visits. The agenda covers multiple aspects, from precision agriculture and intelligent irrigation to waste management and ecological restoration. This conference not only provides an ideal platform for professionals to share knowledge and experience, but also promotes deep cooperation between academia and industry, and promotes the transformation of research results into practical applications. For all professionals dedicated to improving agricultural productivity and protecting natural resources, this is a rare opportunity for learning and exchange.


All full paper submissions to the ICAEEP 2025 could be written in English and will be sent to at least two reviewers and evaluated based on originality, technical or research content or depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. All accepted papers of ICAEEP 2025 will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing.

Submission Portal

Mail Address: icaeep@sub-paper.com
If you have any question or need any assistance regarding the conference, please feel free to contact our conference specialists;

  • 李老师
  • TEL:18581520396 (微信同号)
  • QQ:3959598883
  • E-mail:icaeep@sub-paper.com

Important Dates

Submission Deadline:2025-05-10
Registration Deadline:2025-05-17
Conference Date:2025-05-25
Notification Date:About a week after the submission


Agricultural Engineering: agricultural economy agroecology Climate smart agriculture Regeneration of natural systems agricultural information technology land resource management Food safety and health Phenotype of agricultural animals and plants Optimization of agricultural product supply chain Statistical modeling of precision agriculture Agricultural Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence Precision agriculture and agricultural robots Planting System Optimization and Intelligent Algorithms Farmland Environmental Monitoring and AI Response System Environmental prevention: climate change Dams and Environment renewable energy Thermal pollution control emcon Meteorology and Hydrology Soil Pollution and Control Air pollution and treatment Power plant water treatment technology Environmental Noise Control Engineering Green Manufacturing and Technology Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development Ecology and ecosystem management

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About Plagiarism Check

Crosscheck Powered by iThenticate will be used for plagiarism check. The amount of duplication from previously published content should be less than 20%; If the amount of duplication is 20% - 35%, modification maybe required; if the amount of duplication exceeds 35%, the article will be rejected. Please note that there will be no refund for no-shows.

Indexing Service



Technical Sponsor

Submission Guidelines

Paper template
Please refer to the paper template
for layout

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All attendees must register in advan
ce to attend the meeting

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Please submit the full text/abstract
of the paper to us through the elec
tronic submission system

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Call for Reviewers

As a platform for global academic communication, the quality of conference publication has always an aspect attracting much of our attention. To ensure quality of our publication and to better serve the peers in academic circle, we now call for reviewers among professionals and experts of the world. Professionals and experts who hold PhD (doctoral) degree in the conference related areas are encouraged to join in us and together, we will work hard to become a world-class academic conference. Please send us your CV by email (icaeep@sub-paper.com) if you are interested in it.


Contributors are encouraged to submit papers / abstracts to the conference. The organizing committee will select high-quality papers and recommend them to SCI/SSCI journals. For specific matters, please contact the person in charge of the conferrence.

Submission Guidelines

Delegates are encouraged to submit their papers/abstracts to the conference. Good quality papers will be selected by the organizing committee and Prof. Soteris Kalogirou, the editor in chief. After it, the authors will be invited to extent their papers/abstracts and submit them to icaeep@sub-paper.com. The normal size of research papers is 4,000-6,000 words excluding abstract and references.